Monday, March 12, 2012

Amet Gala Boss Cinematic

AMET GALA is standing with his supermodel secretary by his side amidst his crowd of yes men who are belly laughing deeply.

[continuing]... and so I say to her, 'What happened to you this morning, a hostile makeover?!

AMET is suddenly aware of PLAYER's presence.

Hey guys, look who it is! How 'bout a drink [PLAYER]? Had anything besides prison wine lately? Make it speedy, I have a yacht to catch to the Bahamas in a few hours.

All I came for is a friendly wager between old colleagues.

A wager? Now we're talking. When did you become a gambler, [PLAYER]? Did I ever tell you guys about that casino boat in Monte Carlo? [NAME] here wouldn't come out of the room the whole night. I was getting fed fougasse all night while you went over quarterly reports, remember? (Laughter)

I think my luck's improved, Amet.

Well I'm game. Sally, call the deckhands and tell them they're all fired. Also, push back my trip in the agenda by a week.

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